#Children's rights

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Irish Independent
1 month ago

Divorce and children: 'It's an unregulated Wild West' - How outdated court system is causing hurt and heartache

Family law proceedings can cause loss of control and unnecessary pain for families, especially children. [ more ]
1 month ago

What should kids be taught about sex and relationships?

Comprehensive sex education is crucial for children to prevent vulnerability to abuse and misinformation. [ more ]
Irish Independent
1 month ago
EU data protection

UK's controversial Rwanda Bill does not apply to Northern Ireland, judge rules

The Irish Immigration and Asylum Act imposes a duty to remove individuals and has faced legal challenges for its potential negative impact. [ more ]
2 months ago
Online Community Development

People Are Sharing Parenting Styles That Need To Be Booted

Children should not be exploited for social media likes and should have autonomy over their images.
Parents need to be cautious about oversharing their children's lives on social media for validation. [ more ]
4 months ago
Social justice

The world is waging war on its children, in an obscene mockery of international law | Simon Tisdall

Children are disproportionately affected by war-related violence and abuses.
Respect for the laws of war is being eroded or non-existent in modern armed conflict. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

UN committee urges Russia to end forcible transfer' of Ukrainian children

Ukraine claims that 20,000 children have been taken from Ukraine to Russia without consent.
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has urged Russia to end the forcible transfer of children and return them to their families.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is seeking the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia's commissioner for children's rights, Maria Lvova-Belova, for alleged illegal deportation of children. [ more ]
Irish Independent
1 month ago

Divorce and children: 'It's an unregulated Wild West' - How outdated court system is causing hurt and heartache

Family law proceedings can cause loss of control and unnecessary pain for families, especially children. [ more ]
1 month ago

What should kids be taught about sex and relationships?

Comprehensive sex education is crucial for children to prevent vulnerability to abuse and misinformation. [ more ]
Irish Independent
1 month ago
EU data protection

UK's controversial Rwanda Bill does not apply to Northern Ireland, judge rules

The Irish Immigration and Asylum Act imposes a duty to remove individuals and has faced legal challenges for its potential negative impact. [ more ]
2 months ago
Online Community Development

People Are Sharing Parenting Styles That Need To Be Booted

Children should not be exploited for social media likes and should have autonomy over their images.
Parents need to be cautious about oversharing their children's lives on social media for validation. [ more ]
4 months ago
Social justice

The world is waging war on its children, in an obscene mockery of international law | Simon Tisdall

Children are disproportionately affected by war-related violence and abuses.
Respect for the laws of war is being eroded or non-existent in modern armed conflict. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

UN committee urges Russia to end forcible transfer' of Ukrainian children

Ukraine claims that 20,000 children have been taken from Ukraine to Russia without consent.
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has urged Russia to end the forcible transfer of children and return them to their families.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is seeking the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia's commissioner for children's rights, Maria Lvova-Belova, for alleged illegal deportation of children. [ more ]
6 months ago
UK politics

Holyrood passes revised bill on children's rights after UK challenge

Scotland becomes the first devolved nation to incorporate the UN charter on the rights of the child (UNCRC) into domestic law.
The legislation aims to change the way children's rights are viewed and provide accountability in public services. [ more ]
#children's rights
6 months ago

Young people's plea to Cop28: World leaders owe it to future generations'

Children from countries affected by the climate crisis are calling for action to prioritize their futures
Extreme weather has internally displaced millions of children and put billions at high risk [ more ]
6 months ago

Wisconsin Bills Would Require Libraries to Tell Parents What Books Their Kids Check Out

Two GOP bills in Wisconsin would require libraries to inform parents whenever their children check out books or materials
Critics argue that these bills are overly burdensome and detrimental to children's rights and safety [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
7 months ago
Digital life

Protecting Kids on Social Media Act: Amended and Still Problematic

The updated Protecting Kids on Social Media Act remains an unconstitutional bill that replaces parents' choices with a government-mandated prohibition on social media use for children and teens.
The bill prohibits children under 13 from using any ad-based social media, which could lead to ad-based platforms switching to a fee-based model and limiting access for young people.
The bill infringes on the First Amendment rights of minors and ignores the fact that children, even those under 13, have a constitutional right to speak online and access others' speech. [ more ]
6 months ago

Young people's plea to Cop28: World leaders owe it to future generations'

Children from countries affected by the climate crisis are calling for action to prioritize their futures
Extreme weather has internally displaced millions of children and put billions at high risk [ more ]
6 months ago

Wisconsin Bills Would Require Libraries to Tell Parents What Books Their Kids Check Out

Two GOP bills in Wisconsin would require libraries to inform parents whenever their children check out books or materials
Critics argue that these bills are overly burdensome and detrimental to children's rights and safety [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
7 months ago
Digital life

Protecting Kids on Social Media Act: Amended and Still Problematic

The updated Protecting Kids on Social Media Act remains an unconstitutional bill that replaces parents' choices with a government-mandated prohibition on social media use for children and teens.
The bill prohibits children under 13 from using any ad-based social media, which could lead to ad-based platforms switching to a fee-based model and limiting access for young people.
The bill infringes on the First Amendment rights of minors and ignores the fact that children, even those under 13, have a constitutional right to speak online and access others' speech. [ more ]
morechildren's rights
7 months ago
France politics

Science - French government unveils new plan to fight child abuse

30 NGOs are calling for the strengthening of children's rights in mainland France and French overseas departments.
The French government is unveiling its latest plan to combat child abuse.
World Children's Day is celebrated on November 20. [ more ]
7 months ago
France politics

Science - French government unveils new plan to fight child abuse

30 NGOs are calling for the strengthening of children's rights in mainland France and French overseas departments.
The French government is unveiling its latest plan to combat child abuse.
World Children's Day is celebrated on November 20. [ more ]
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